Finding incorrect credit information on your credit report can be confusing and devastating. If you are attempting to take out a loan or make a significant purchase, your credit report will be examined. If there are errors on the credit report, you could be denied....
If your background check or credit report has errors, such as someone else’s information, you will likely find out at the worst of times. Whether you are looking for a new job, applying for a loan, or hoping to purchase a house, an error in your documentation can set...
No one wants their credit report to be wrong. It could affect your ability to take out loans, purchase a home, and achieve other significant life milestones. Unfortunately, many people will open their credit report to see false information or data that does not make...
If you got your credit card bill in the mail and saw a much higher total than anticipated, you can likely blame it on someone stealing your information. Credit card fraud is, unfortunately, becoming more and more common in our digital world, and it is affecting...
In the United States, there are laws, both federally and statewide, that prohibit false advertising from sellers and businesses. However, this does not stop them from doing it, and it can lead to many consumers purchasing a vehicle or property under false pretenses....