If your background check or credit report has errors, such as someone else’s information, you will likely find out at the worst of times. Whether you are looking for a new job, applying for a loan, or hoping to purchase a house, an error in your documentation can set...
If you got your credit card bill in the mail and saw a much higher total than anticipated, you can likely blame it on someone stealing your information. Credit card fraud is, unfortunately, becoming more and more common in our digital world, and it is affecting...
No one wants to get that dreaded call from a debt collector. However, you can not ignore them. Debt collectors will only continue contacting you, even more so if you actively avoid them and don’t communicate. Even if you don’t believe the debt is correct, you must...
Identity theft can happen to any one of us. It has become terribly common and almost too easy for thieves to get their hands on our personal information. Identity theft can happen because of phishing attacks, company breaches, hacking, or a stolen wallet....
Unfortunately, identity theft doesn’t just happen when strangers find your information; it can also happen within our family units. Family identity theft is one of the many types we can be inflicted with at any time. Like any event, when the family is involved, it can...